InEExS - Innovative energy service models for sector integration via blockchain

Europäische Kommission
01.11.2022 – 31.10.2025

The core concept of the LIFE project InEExS is the deployment of integrated energy services across sectors and carriers, and the tokenization of energy saving data in a public blockchain to facilitate cooperation among market segments and actors. InEExS improves the implementation of Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) Art7 and supports Obligated Parties to provide integrated service offers that enable energy savings, system efficiency and include non-energy benefits.

Particular attention is placed on the development of business models and contractual schemes that facilitate the implementation of sector-integrating smart energy services and the deployment of a wide range of sustainable technologies, such as renewables (RES), electric vehicles (EVs), heat pumps, internet of things (IoT) controls and other energy efficiency (EE) measures. The InEExS consortium brings together diverse market actors (utilities, energy communities, energy agencies, technology providers) who engage in trust creation methods to connect their activities through distributed ledger technology and smart contracts.

InEExS plans to deploy and validate the to-be-designed services, models and contracts in four different EU states (Germany, Spain, Greece and one more state remaining to be selected during the deployment process), offering widespread geographical coverage and distinct international settings (e.g. regulation):

  • Recommendations for innovative energy contracts with Pay4Performance guarantees (Berlin, Germany)
  • Improved self-consumption of distributed energy resources (DERs) in Energy Cooperatives (Crevillent, Spain)
  • Energy efficiency and flexibility services for legacy natural gas boilers (5 main Greek cities: Athens, Thessaloniki, Larisa, Trikala, Volos)
  • Smart energy management for EV chargers and electricity-based Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) appliances (location tbc)
  • Decentralized Energy Efficiency Power Plant (DEEPP) (conceptual)

The Business Cases (BCs) are improving on existing, viable business models by enhancing their integration with other services and sectors and build on pre-existing communities of participants, while aiming at extending these services to a large share of their market segment.

The video presents the Berliner Energieagentur's Berlin Business Case, developed as part of the capacity-building campaign of the EU project InEExS. The German case study highlights innovative approaches and incentives for more efficient use of solar energy.

Additional European business cases can be found on the project’s website.

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