Partner for Innovation
The Berliner Energieagentur is a modern energy service company located in Berlin. As part of our three business divisions Consulting, Contracting and International Know-how Transfer we develop and realize innovative projects that reduce high energy costs as well as CO2 emissions.
While rooted in Berlin the BEA launches activities in regional, national and international markets.
On the initiative of the Berlin House of Representatives the Berliner Energieagentur was founded in 1992 especially due to looming effects of the climate change and a decreasing access to fossil natural resources. Therefore, facing today’s environmental challenges the BEA aims at contributing to a more efficient use of energy.
The federal state of Berlin, the Vattenfall Wärme Berlin AG, the GASAG Berliner Gaswerke Aktiengesellschaft and the KfW Bankengruppe hold an equal share of 25 percentage of the BEA. As a public-private-partnership the BEA fulfils a public mandate – nevertheless, all means and methods of doing business are committed to the premise of efficiency. Converging economics and ecology is our daily mission.
Reliability, trust, responsibility
The business policy of Berliner Energieagentur is oriented towards solid economic growth. We have long-standing and stable relationships with our customers and appreciate values such as reliability, trust and responsibility.

Our arguments
- Implementation-driven
- Independent
- Environmentally conscious